Why should I install Solar?
Switching to solar renewable energy will save you hundreds off your electricity bills, add value to your home, reduce your carbon footprint and help to build a cleaner future for generations to come.
What rebates are available?
A state government rebate for Solar is available for home (up to $1,400) and business (up to $3,500). To learn more visit Solar Victoria
How do I know if I’m eligible for a Rebate?
To determine your eligibility visit Solar Victoria
How do I apply for a rebate?
You need to apply for a Rebate through Solar Victoria
What size system will I need to run my home?
The size of a Solar System is determined by the size of your home, orientation, and the amount of energy you use. The team at Australian Security and Solar are experts in this area and will advise the best system to suit your needs.
How much money will I save on my electricity bill?
On average, the systems we install reduce power bills by up to 80% and in some cases eliminate completely, depending upon the type and size of system being installed.
How long do Solar Panels last?
Solar panels are made from Silicon and particular brands can last at least 25 years if properly maintained. We offer premium solar products that come with a 25 year warranty.
Does roof orientation matter?
North facing panels are the ideal position for generating power consistently throughout the day. East facing panels result in most of your power generation produced in the mornings. West facing panels capture the afternoon sun
What is a “feed in tariff”, how much will I get paid?
A feed in tariff is a small credit rebate received for any excess electricity produced by a solar system. If you have a grid-connect solar system, power produced must be immediately used or it will feed into the shared electricity grid for other properties to use.
What type of warranty comes with the system?
Warranties come with all systems we install and range from 10 years up to 25 years depending on the solar product chosen.
What happens on cloudy days?
Solar panels still work on cloudy days and when it rains, however the power being generated is reduced
If my energy requirements increase, can I upgrade
the system?
Yes, you can upgrade your existing solar system. Contact us to learn how we can help you to achieve a seamless upgrade.
How much does a typical home solar system cost?
A grid-connected system for a medium size family typically costs between $1,000 - $2,500 per KW. To obtain a no obligation, free quote get in touch with the Australian Security and Solar team
23 / 456 St Kilda Rd
Melbourne 3004
Email: info@australiansecurityandsolar.com.au
Tel: 1300 782 392 or 03 9111 5554